Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ideas for packing lunch for work

Today's ideas for packing lunch for work are packed with flavor, color and texture and are easy on our debit cards.

 Vary the Veggies, Carrots are great, but switch it up with some jicama sticks. Jicama is a wonderful treat in a lunch bag. If you want a super speedy veggie for your lunch, go for a frozen vegetable medley. Today's lunch bags have reliable seals and separate compartments, so get creative. Wrap Stars

Fill a rice paper spring roll with meat, veggies, rice noodles and teriyaki sauce. Soupier Savers
The Best Lunch Bag, The best lunch can go awry in an unprotected plastic baggie. Look for a quality lunch bag that fits your tastes.

Hot Packed ideas for packing lunch for work:

1. Soup
2. Chili
3. Stew

Cold Packed ideas for packing lunch for work:

1. Fruit salad
Fruit salad is an ideal choice here. Make a fruit salad with as wide a variety of fruit as possible. To make the fruit salad even tastier, you can add some yogurt to the fruit salad.
ideas for packing lunch for work images

2. A substantial salad
Of course fruit salad is not the only salad that will work very well. Use all the vegetables you kid love with some cold meat and potatoes with a little mayonnaise and you have a tasty and healthy meal to send your kid to school with. Add a fruit juice as a drink and your kid will love this lunch.

As a school mom who has packed thousands of lunches, let me offer you some tips for quick lunch bag ideas: Organize your kitchen so lunch gear is easy to find. Involve your kids in making lunches. Buy and prepare ahead of time. Wash and cut veggies, or buy bite size ones - like baby carrots, grapes, cherry tomatoes or pre-cut veggies. Cut cheese into cubes; hard boil some eggs, pre-cut fruits. Have healthy snacks, like whole wheat crackers, granola bars, dried fruit, trail mix, etc. in the snack cupboard. Planning and organization are the keys to packing lunches that your kids will love.

While going green starts at home, you can effortlessly extend it to your children's lunchroom by packing them a waste-free, green lunch every time. Choose green lunch - Forget junk foods and other prepackaged foods that come in non-biodegradable aluminum foils, plastic wraps, and plastic bags. Instead, go for healthy lunch alternatives like homemade sandwiches, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other waste-free snack items. Pack food in reusable storage containers - Choose re-sealable containers or lunch boxes, such as stainless steel food containers. Use a refillable drinking bottle or container - Consider using durable water bottles for your child's beverage, instead of packing juice boxes or milk cartons and tetra-packs. Use a cloth napkin - Skip paper napkins and save trees is one if alternative of ideas for packing lunch for work. Have a happy lunch!

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