Easy School Lunch Ideas
Another key healthy eating idea is making food that is easy for your kids to eat AND easy for you to make. You are very likely a busy person, so don't overstretch yourself, there are many great quick, easy options available.
Easy School Lunch Ideas Tips:
Wraps are easy and kids love them. Try adding a few new ingredients this way. My favorites are baked tofu, peanut butter and snow peas wrap and turkey breast, mozzarella, cucumber, avocado and alfalfa sprouts wrap. Both mix ingredients kids will have tried before and new ones. Try swapping peanut butter for cashew or almond butter for variety.
Try and prepare as much Easy School Lunch Ideas in advance as you can. It is unlikely that you are able to come home from work and put 100% effort into your kids meals or prepare masses of food first thing in the morning. So, pick a time when you can give it your full attention and prepare a few days in advance. Some things like sauces and dips will keep for a while, so work out when is a good time for you to get your cooking mojo on! When you can cook, is also a great indication of what type of lunches to make. If you really only have free time on the weekends for anything complicated, choose things that will keep and need very little extra preparation first thing in the morning.
Easy School Lunch Ideas Top Tip: Many meals are freezable, which is a good tip for after school meals. Cooking a large casserole, soup or stew and distributing into bags for the following week is always a great idea. For school lunches, try getting your ingredients ready a few days before. Cooked chicken and turkey breast will keep for 3-4 days. Also you can make any dips like ranch dressing 3-4 days in advance. Tuna mayo will also keep, but I suggest that you keep it well sealed as it can make your refrigerator smell!
Try to keep your child involved in the healthy eating process whenever possible. If your child hates sweet things (unlikely but sometimes it happens!) do not force them, look at savory lunches instead and vice versa. You want to introduce your kids to new types of food and food experiences and this can be an enjoyable process for everyone. Of course attending a nut-free elementary school, the traditional PB & J sandwich was only permitted as an after school snack.
That was until I discovered a safe alternative to peanut butter than actually tastes good as Easy School Lunch Ideas.
While there are a variety of peanut free butters on the market only one kind has the seal of approval from our family and in particular, our peanut butter loving son.
This soy butter product is also tree nut free, gluten free and dairy free, making it ideal for kids with a variety of food allergies. WowButter contains 7g of complete protein and 1200 mg Omega-3 essential fatty acids per 32g serving Easy School Lunch Ideas.
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